First video post!


Snortie repeating me, on Nov 22 (make sure to watch it all, as there is a surprise ending!):

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7 Responses to “First video post!”

  1. Diane Says:

    Precious! What an adorable little guy. He looks so grown up!

  2. apieceofwood Says:

    Shows what he thought of your video.. snigger!

  3. Matt Says:


    And lady, that’s one LOUD pooping sound.

  4. Blazer Says:

    Great film with the perfect cinematic closing.

  5. eccedentesiast Says:

    Ha, I probably sound like an idiot but I felt the need to exclaim “Aww it’s a real live baby”. Of course I’ve always known about Snort’s realness, it’s just different seeing a living breathing baby. A real live baby x

  6. Tatiana Says:

    When you tag a post “poop” it is not a surprise! Haha 😉

    But no, seriously, I was all like AWWWWH and Chris was like “who is that?” and I was like MY LONG-DISTANCE NEPHEW FROM MY ADOPTED SISTER NOW SHUT UP SO I CAN HEAR HIM POOP.

  7. Jen(theremotejen) Says:

    Snort! Ethan does the same thing(the repeating, I mean, but I guess he does the pooping too, now that I think about it…)
    So cute. Where’s one of Coconut?

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