15 weeks pregnant lesbian couple. Alert! Call the media!


We’re 15 weeks pregnant today. That seems a little crazy, because if we deliver at 38 weeks we are rapidly approaching the halfway mark of pregnancy. My stomach is fiercely tight, my boobs finally having a second growth surge, and – dare I say it – I might be feeling a little better?

Still vomiting a bit in spite of medication, but am trying to cut down on meds. I have had two mornings in a row where I didn’t almost fall over from The Dizzies when I woke up. I am drinking mouthfuls of water throughout the night without any terrible consequences.

I’m now on half days at work – a trial period of two weeks. It can be hoped that this will allow my body and mind some time to stabilise from the first trimester baddies who are lingering, my endless chest cold, etc. I know I am truly geeked at the idea of a week without work-induced  migraines, excessive vomiting, crying in the consulting room, etc.

Tears seem to be becoming a major part of my life, but it almost feels good to cry. Like my hormones have given me that little boost to be able to fully express emotion without societal niceties cramping my style. Of course, when I started crying during a maternity fashion show and repeating, ‘I can’t do this, I can’t do this, what are we doing?’ people around me probably thought I was loony tunes…..and so what if I am?!? It’s two babies, damnit.

Had a sort of scary week as didn’t feel either one move Sunday or most of yesterday. Think we got some definite movement last night to TMD rubbing oil on my belly and me pushing her hand quite firmly against the babies. They usually do wake up a bit after some tummy oiling. On the train I also poked Mano and he kicked back. Torre is a bit harder to get moving, and I don’t know if that is because of the placenta’s location, or because he/she is just a placid baby.

Had a dream two nights ago that we had two babies – a bot and a girl. HOLY typo – a bot?!? Jesus, I hope we don’t have a robot child. A BOY and a girl. I’m getting increasingly ansty for the 20 week scan, because if the babies cooperate we’ll find out what they are and get to see them again!

I am considering buying a doppler so if I have more scary ‘why aren’t they moving’ moments I can be reassured. (A doppler is like a wand you place outside your stomach, and with some skill and luck you can hear the baby’s heartbeat.) I think the cheap ones are probably crap, and I don’t know if I can justify getting an expensive one. I wish one of you lived nearby and I could just borrow the sucker for a day!

Finally, all feel free to go to http://www.metro.co.uk/polls and vote on the lesbian IVF question. I never ever do these things, but got upset on the train that this was a topic worth even polling about. Of COURSE TMD should be listed as a second parent on the birth certificate. Now we have to go through all the hassle of legal hoops and paperwork to jump through to make sure that if something terrible happened to me during childbirth, she could have some rights. And then she’ll have to adopt her own children at six months. Madness.

I think all these right wing nutcases should spend a week with us. Our life is so amazingly normal. No lesbian devil horns sprouting, no cloven feet, no abnormal and cruel, twisted behaviour. (No more than usual, anyway.) We have an almost impossibly happy marriage, a deep love, huge commitment, and a lot of fun. How dare people insinuate we should not have children.

Down with The Man!

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8 Responses to “15 weeks pregnant lesbian couple. Alert! Call the media!”

  1. Brian Says:

    Oh please…everyone knows only Mormons have devil horns and cloven hooves.

  2. apieceofwood Says:

    Hi – thanks for visiting me. Hugest congrats on the twins… have added you to my reader.. will pop in and see how you do!

  3. Anna Says:

    My kids were pre-techno so the midwife used to listen for heartbeats with a ‘trumpet’ – just a hollow tube. She pressed one end gently into the belly and put her ear to the other end. The inner bit of a toilet roll would work. But they do stop moving, sometimes for days on end. Calm and faith. I wouldn’t really recommend finding out what sex they are either, as then all you have to wonder about is whether they are healthy. I wish you peace x

    • existere Says:

      Yes, TMD suggested a doppler would freak me out if I couldn’t find heartbeats…I reckon I could, though! Have decided to be non-worried about this at moment, especially as been feeling teeny tiny kicks. Glad to hear they do stop moving for large chunks of time in a row!!

      I definitely want to find out what they are. Either way I’d worry about if they were okay, but for some reason I can’t even begin to think of names, etc without a gender.

      Thanks for the lovely comment.

  4. Tia Says:

    I still want to know about TMD=delicious.

  5. MoDLin Says:

    Glad you’re feeling a little better, but I’ll keep it a secret so the green-eyed pregnancy puke monster doesn’t return. I look forward to hearing about your next ultrasound. I know it’s hard to wait, but you’ll get there soon.

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