A whole new game.


Now, don’t panic: I’m keeping this blog.

But I’ve also started another one I’m happy to let you have the address for.

I get stuck easily, though. That’s why I’ve not been writing here. Because I’ve been thinking about my desire to stop being anonymous on the internet, particularly after a (short) string of paid writing work, and I knew I wanted to start a new blog, but I just hit pause in  my mind.

TMD took the kids out today for a couple of hours, and I spent the time on my arthritic laptop setting up the basic features on a new blog. I have exactly one post up. It’s all self conscious and assholey because I wasn’t necessarily in THE MOOD to write, but I needed to get something out because otherwise I don’t think the pause button would ever be unpaused.

Other things on pause: my vulva. Consultant dermatologist reckons I’ve got some weird skin infection that can cause brown spots on the vulva. Yeah, really. She’s given me steroids and I have to apply cream twice a day, steroids once. It’s like I’m Snort with skin problems, except….well, not. Anyway, I go back in three months. If the spots are still there, then they get chopped off and biopsied. GOOD TIMES.


Back to the other blog stuff.

I’m worried about it. I’m worried about writing about how awesome I think unschooling is, because I don’t want to alienate or hurt friends with kids in school. Which is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS because I am not offended when these people write about how good school is for their kids, so  maybe I should stop worrying.

But how can I tell you the new address? It is myrealnameincludingmiddlename.wordpress.com

So I guess if you are my facebook friend, you may know my full name? Or if you followed me on twitter @existere, that links to my new real name twitter account, which links to the blog.

OR you leave a comment here with your email address and I’ll email you the address of the new blog. It has pictures of faces on and everything. Don’t feel embarrassed to get in touch even if you never have before. I had one other blog before this one, and it was much more widely followed. I closed that blog so I could write about my experiences working as a therapist on this one, and issued a similar call for comments and email addresses. And you know, I met some interesting people. Many people were just a ‘Hi, here’s my new blog address’ sort of thing, but some? Some were more. It was nice.

Catch you on the flip side.

7 Responses to “A whole new game.”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Hiya, would love to keep up with your new blog. Even though, gasp, we are not home schooling. Cheers!

  2. Brynn Says:

    So, clearly we’ve never gotten in touch , I’m totally a blog lurker who found your blog 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my twins (who are both boys). It’s always so much fun to hear about your twins. 🙂 I’d love the address to your new blog. My email is brynnkhansen1@gmail.com

  3. Shelley Says:

    hi there! I have been following you for a while but haven’t really commented. But I would love to follow your new blog – my email is tweedlepop@hotmail.com Shelley 🙂

  4. jane Says:

    I’d like to follow your new blog 🙂

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Hello! Can I come too?


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